What I Do as a Product Designer

I help startups bring ideas to life quickly and thoughtfully. I work closely with founders and teams to design products that solve real problems, feel intuitive, and are enjoyable to use.

Problem Discovery

My process starts with understanding the problem—diving into research, talking to users, and getting close to their struggles, goals, and motivations. This user-first approach drives everything I do.

Product Strategy

I shape the product direction by aligning it with market fit and startup goals. It's about defining success and building towards it step by step.

Information Architecture (IA)

I structure content and create clear navigation paths, ensuring users find what they need without friction.

Interaction Design (IxD)

I design how users interact with the product—buttons, animations, and feedback—to create an intuitive, seamless experience.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

I craft the product flow and visuals—creating a smooth journey for users and adding personality to make it delightful.

Prototyping is a big part of my process. I build prototypes to test ideas quickly, learn from real feedback, and iterate before development. The goal is always to learn fast and ensure we’re building something valuable.

Design Systems

When it's time to scale fast, I focus on design systems—creating reusable components that make development more efficient and consistent. These systems provide a flexible foundation that supports scalability, allowing teams to move quickly while keeping everything aligned.


Another key aspect of my work is growth. I focus on brainstorming product and marketing ideas to help a startup grow—thinking beyond the product to how we can make it spread. This includes unconventional campaigns, like LinkedIn or Twitter posts, designed to resonate and create buzz.


Since I am a technical designer, I collaborate closely with developers to make sure what I design can be built efficiently. I’m hands-on from ideation to launch, ensuring we move quickly and smartly.

Co-founder for hire

Many of my clients see me as a 'designer cofounder for hire'—someone who’s got their back, fully invested in making the product the best it can be by managing all design-related aspects.

My ultimate goal is to make products better for people—helping startups transform an idea into something real that delivers genuine value. Whether it’s a simple interaction or a complex end-to-end experience, my goal is always to design with empathy, creativity, and speed, so the product resonates and makes an impact.

If you think I could aid you in this process, don't hesitate to reach out, you have my contact information right below.