Drumpad Legend

Project Year


csodesigns drumpad legend screen


Business Size:

Bootstrapped Startup

Drumpad Legend is a Music / Rhythm game designed to teach you how to play electronic music and drum patterns live, like an instrument.


The App was built for cross-platform use, with Unity.

The goal was to create a highly dynamic and exciting experience, show information intuitively, and help users learn without them realizing it, by wrapping the whole experience in an interactive story.


Business Design: 

- Value proposition canvas 

- Feature Prioritization 

UX Deliverables -

- User Personas

- User Flow 

Brand Deliverables:

- Logo 

- Styleguide 

- Custom Illustrations

App Design

-  sketches and wireframes 

-  interactive prototype 

- Origami prototype

App Implementation: 

- Unity Component Design